Welcome to our Field Hockey Niche Income Guide, today we are going to be looking at … you guessed it, the field hockey niche and how we would create a website around the topic that will stand amongst the crowd and of course rank and bank at least that’s the goal.
Let’s jump right into it.
The goal of this guide is to give you actionable steps you can take to making a website in the field hockey niche.
Table of Contents
Field Hockey: Analyzing its Popularity
Before we just jump right into creating a new website for field hockey, we need to make sure our efforts aren’t going to be wasted. We need to make sure that there is some interest in the topic or if it’s just a fad.
Let’s take a look at how field hockey trends on Google.

Based upon the graph above we can see that “field hockey” is a seasonal niche. We can see peaks in the summer and valleys in the winter. The interest over time seems steady which means that it could be a great opportunity if we are able to fill in gaps that are otherwise unfilled for whatever reason.
Let’s take a look at the competition and see where we can find some opportunities to make our grand entrance.
Competitive Landscape
If we are to Google “field hockey” we can see an overwhelming number of pages from colleges, universities and a few typical sites like Wikipedia appearing in the search. Many of which are repeating the same data, over and over again.

However, the more you refine your search for longer tail keywords the more it shows competitive websites.
From my analysis I can see that there are only a few dedicated blogs to ‘field hockey’ this is a great! It means we have opportunities to make an entrance.
Defining Our Unique Position
In order for any business to be successful and this includes blogs, we have to have a unique approach to how we do and conduct business, and depending on your goal is going to shift your unique position.
To get your nogging churning out ideas for Field Hockey let’s take a look at some ideas
- Field Hockey for Beginners
- Field Hockey for Kids
- Field Hockey for Teenagers
- Field Hockey Drills
- Field Hockey on a Budget
We can keep on going on but some of these topics are just narrowing down the audience even thinner. We need to be careful and not narrow down our audience to much or we will have no one to read our blog.
My biggest tip for picking your unique position is to do a mix of narrow and broad targets. You are going
Picking a Good Domain Name
Picking a good domain name for your field hockey site is an important step of this process.
Make sure:
- Your Domain is a DOT COM
- Your Domain is Rememberable
- Your Domain isn’t too long.
Do you have to have field hockey in the domain name?
It’s not necessary to have your main keywords in your domain anymore. While it may give some slight advantages it’s not guaranteed to do so.
However, including the keywords “field hockey” somewhere in your domain may increase your click thru rate but that’s also not guaranteed, for example fieldhockeyfieldhockeyfieldhockey.com is available but it seems spammy.
Go for a brandable domain name, something short, sweet and to the point.
Picking a Professional Design for Your Site
To be fully honest and transparent there is nothing wrong with starting off with a free theme.
However, as you grow your content and your visitors you are going to want to invest in something that is professional looking and matches your goals.
Make sure your theme loads fast. Speed is much more important than the way it looks, at least to Google. Now I’m not saying to have an eye sore of a blog but focus on content more than design.
Brand Planning – Content Categories
Your brand plan is basically the ‘categories of content’ you are going to be creating.
At this point we need to think about the type of content we are going to be creating on our field hockey blog, what is going to be the best way for us to resonate our messages to our readers?
Content Ideations – Brainstorming Ideas
Grab a piece of paper and a pin it’s now time to start brainstorming ideas.
Start thinking of ideas to start writing your content around. Write down any idea you have no matter how crazy of an idea.
What are some good content ideas for the field hockey niche?
To speed up the process of brainstorm I encourage you to use tools like semrush, spyfu, etc to help you generate some content ideas for your blog.
During the early stages of content ideation, we may want to try to target very broad terms to attract the most readers, while this is okay – we have to remember we are new and there is competition doing the same thing.
We have to focus on the outskirts of the niche, the area where we are educating and not promoting. This is where we are going to be able to grow our audience and get a feel of what type of content drives them to the site.
Keyword Research aka Search Analysis
Content ideas


Field Hockey Questions

Content Planning – Make a Content Hit List
Once you have your list of ideas it’s now time to narrow down that last into a content action plan and decide what content you are committed to writing for your blog.
Try to aim for at least 15 to 30 content ideas, the more the merrier.
Create Content from Our Content Plan
At this point in our journey we are ready to start actually creating content.
Go through your content plan one by one and start cranking out your content.
I’ll be releasing an article soon on the best way to structure third content for three best chance at ranking in the search results.
What is the best way to monetize a field hockey blog? I truly believe the best way to monetize this niche is going to be with affiliate commissions and ads in the beginning.
The fastest way to monetize this niche is to monetize it by ads, like Google Adsense or some other publisher network. Affiliate commissions aren’t anything to sneeze at either, find a product that relates to the topic at hand and recommend a product on an affiliate network that earns a commission for each sale.
Ready to get started but dont I know how long it should take read How Fast Can I Make a Niche Website
Need more ideas on how to monetize your blog? Schedule a free one-on-one consultation today.
as always this content is always under construction, and is constantly beingg improved as new info arises or opinions change, if you have a question or suggestion please leave it in the comments below.