Today, we are going to be looking at how fast you can make a niche website.
On average it’s going to take about two weeks to get a niche website up and running with a few pieces of content. At this point you should have a nice design and a few critical pages added to it. You can of course do this much faster if you spend a few hours a day laying down the foundation.
My hopes for you at the end of this detailed guide will allow you to reasonably estimate the amount of time you should expect to spend creating your website.
Let the journey begin.

If you are curious about how fast it’s going to take you to setup a niche website then I’m going to guess you are kind of new at this whole blogging, website thing. If not, you must be a real information seeker! No matter who you are or where you want to go, I know you can reach your goals as long as you put effort into it.
Table of Contents
Steps to Make a Niche Website
Below is quick summary list of what it’s going to take you to make a niche website, is it every step? No, there are many other things you should do for your website like promotion, SEO optimization and more these are not covered in this post, not because they aren’t important, rather they are steps you can take later after you have completed these primary steps to get your website up and running.
- Pick a Niche
- Find and Register a Domain
- Purchase Web Hosting
- Install WordPress
- Pick and Install a Theme
- Create Categories
- Add These Pages to Your Site
- Brainstorm Content Ideas
- Competition Research
- Plan Content
- Create and Post Your Content
Picking a Niche – The Time Sucker
If you haven’t already picked a niche for your website, go ahead and put on your thinking caps and get started writing down your ideas.
Be careful when you are choosing which niche your website is going to be about, you can spend a significant amount of time weighing your options before picking your niche.
Stay away from niches that are around the readers money or life, you can read about YMYL for Google here, but just know you don’t smack the hand that feeds you and Google will bury you if you try.
Try going for a hobby, interest or something you are exceptionally knowledgeable and passionate about.
Remember this, most people get burn out because they get bored with their niche.
Try picking a niche that you are passionate about. Ask yourself if you could talk to a friend for a couple of hours about the topic. It also helps if your passion can have products that you could use to help the experience.
Choosing a niche can take one second or until the end of your life, but most likely somewhere in between. Some people never commit to a topic and just give up. Don’t be that person, make choices fast and adapt often.
If you are still struggling pick a niche check out this article.
Not sure which niche to choose from the list of niche website ideas? Send me a message and we can try to narrow down a niche that might fit you and your goals.
Finding and Registering a Domain Name
Now that you have your niche selected, it’s time to find a domain and register it.
I highly recommend the following domain registers:
- Google Domains
- Free Privacy Registration
- Google = trust
- $12 for a .COM
- CloudFlare Domains
- Amazing CDN
- Affordable Domains

I never advised to register your primary domain name with your web hosting company, even if it’s offered for free, you don’t want your domain name to be held hostage if you outgrow your hosting company.
Choosing and registering a domain can take 5 – 60 minutes. If you are able to snag your first choice that’s great, most people aren’t that lucky. Remember this is your brand and you can take some time to choose your domain but don’t spend a lot of time on this you can always come back to it.
My Domain name is available for sale?
If you can throw down a couple hundred dollars to a few thousand you can snap up a premium domain name. Is it worth it? Maybe, if you are serious about creating a brand around that name. If not, you can always find a work around, invest small and stay happy. Don’t dwell on an unavailable domain, pick something and move on.
Note: I try to find .COM domains first, .NET, .ORG and others are fine, but DOT COMS will always be king of the domains.
Need more help picking a domain name for your niche site? I have an article for you here.
Purchasing Web Hosting
This will be one of the fastest steps in the process of making your niche website. All you have to do is pick the right hosting company for your website from the thousands that out there! Fingers crossed you choose a good one!
With all jokes aside, hosting is important. If you have a slow web host you are going to have a slow website, and slow is not good when it comes to your web page load speed.
I’m going to give three recommendations; these recommendations are either from my own experience or from the many recommendations I’ve been giving from others in choosing a reliable web hosting company.
- WPEngine – Highest Recommend Web hosting Company
- Tailored Specifically for WordPress
- eCommerce Solutions
- Maximize speed, performance & SEO
- Proactive threat blocking & security
- Automated WordPress & PHP updates
- Customizable themes & workflow tools
- Effortless 1-click staging & backup
- Starts at around $25 a month
- HostGator
- Affordable
- WordPress One Click Install
- BlueHost
- Everyone recommends them, why not me?
- Trusted by Thousands of Bloggers and Businesses
- Reliable Uptime
- Good Support
Install WordPress – Please Use One Click Installers
Please for the love of everything, use an automated installer, or choose a web hosting company like WP Engine that is going to automate your WordPress installation for you. You do not want to download the files from WordPress and try to do this yourself, I mean you can, I believe in you – but time is important and the learning curve to handle all the little small things is not worth it.
Using an auto-installer is pretty easy. You’ll often be prompted to make select the domain you want to use and allow you to set an administrator password.
Make sure you write this down, take a little note, put your admin name and password in a safe place.
Installing WordPress takes less than 5 minutes after you go through the auto installer.
You should now be able to login to your new niche’s website admin area, congrats!
[ Consider these WordPress Plugins to help you reach your goals]
I also recommend that you configure the following options in your WordPress settings:
- Permalink
- Site Title and Tag Line
These settings can all be found under the “Settings” menu option on the left.

Pick a Theme for Your Niche
WordPress does come with some default themes, if you are just beginning these themes are fine but there are many better options, including both paid and free options.
If you are wanting a paid theme for your niche website, I recommend using Theme Forest. They have a huge selection of themes and resources for WordPress themed sites.
Choosing a theme shouldn’t take that long spend an hour or less narrowing down and buying your choice.
You can expect to pay about $59-$89 for a decently designed WordPress theme, but remember you don’t have to spend this money, there are plenty of free themes provided by many generous authors to help you get started.
Try these WordPress Themes
Here are a few of the best paid and free themes you can use for creating your
- Astra – Free/Paid
- Avada – Paid
- Porto – Paid
I would love to see your new blog design and what theme you picked, leave your link in the comments below and I’ll come check it out.
Creating Your Website Categories – Brand Planning
This is where the fun begins when you get to plan out your niches brand plan, and define your sites categories.
Considering future goals and ambitions in your niche. Think about the type of topics that you want to cover. What you want to accomplish and be the end result of your website.
The time this step is going to take is going to vary, it could take a couple hours or even a day to narrow down to something that makes sense when comparing your goals to your brand plan.
If you need more help creating a branding plan for your website reach out to me.
I will update this article with a link to a future post where I cover this topic
My suggestion to you if you are struggling to select categories/topics for your brand plan is to go find a competitors website and write down some of the categories they are focusing on
I often get the most information from looking at a competitors sitemap, you can often find this by looking in the footer or adding sitemap to the end of the url.
When you have your list of competitor categories Compare them for similarities overall, then, if any of the categories you extracted match your goals this is a sign of good brand plan category for your niche site. Circle it, repeat, move on.
Pages to Create for Your New Niche Website
There are a few basic pages that you will need for your website. It is recommend to have these pages to help build trust with your readers. Some are even required to have in some circumstances, if you are in the EU, or desire to monetize your site with Ads.
- About Us Page
- Contact Us Page
- Privacy Policy
- Cookie Policy
- Return Policy (eCommerce only)
Each page should take less than 30 minutes to create, remember we are trying to make a niche website have the foundation, not be perfect.
Keep the pages brief where you can, use content generators to help speed up the process for pages like privacy, cookie and return policies.
The about us page should be contain what separates you from the rest.
I would recommend to spend between 2 – 4 hours completing this assignment. I don’t recommend trying to write all of the pages yourself, especially when you can generate them incredibly fast.
Brainstorm Content Ideas
Content is king, and thinking about the type of content you are going to write is a big part of planning out your blogs future success.
This step is often called the Ideation Stage, it just means you are finding and writing down things you would like to cover in your blog.
In this step I highly recommend you utilize tools to help you in this stage. Google, will be the easiest and most affordable method to use (it’s free) in the beginning.
As you grow you can always invest in paid tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, SpyFu, etc. If you feel like investing into them now I would go for SpyFu it cost a lot less than the other competitors but it does lack core features that the others have, but most of those features are not needed when you are first starting out.
Try to write down at least 15-30 content ideas, the more the better. You will notice in the next step that your list will reduce in size once we start to analyze the competition.
Take a couple of hours to brainstorm ideas, try not to exceed 3 hours in this section. You will always be able to come back to this section as you start to push out more and more content.
Competition Research
Now is the time to take your content ideas and start looking at the competition. Who’s ranking for the content you are wanting to create? Are you going to be able to write better content than them?
It’s not to say that you want be able to beat the competition, it’s telling you to pick your battles wisely. In the beginning we have to start with low hanging fruit, meaning content we can at least have a chance at ranking for.
Don’t spend a lot of competition research, this step should take between 1 – 2 hours depending on how long your content idea list is, research fast and move on.
Plan Your Content List
After you have done your competitive analysis it’s time to plan out your content.
From your list of content ideas that are going to be easiest for you to rank for start to make a list.
I recommend creating a spreadsheet with the following columns.
- Content Title
- Estimated Words
- Type of Content (Answer Target Post, Staple Post or Pillar Post)
To be brief and to explain the types of blog content you can write from above.
Answer Target – Answering a question in detail, these should typically be about 1,200 words. You don’t have to write that much but that seems to be a good number to target.
Staple Post – A staple post is a post that you go into much more depth than a standard answer target post. These types of post are about 1,800+ words.
Pillar Post – A blog post that covers all aspects of a topic. It goes into the most depth, and has the most answers surrounding all aspects of the topic. These post are typically lengthy as they tend to target more competitive keywords.
I would attempt to have at least one pillar post in your content plan, the rest can be a mix and match of answer and staple post.
Create Content
Creating content for your niche website is going to be the biggest time consumer. There are a few tricks you can use to speed up this process.
How to speed up the process of writing for you niche website.
- Use speech to text
- Outsource your writing
- Use AI to help you write your blog content.
Try to spend 30 minutes to 2 hours per article.
Outsource your writing
If you don’t want to write content yourself, which I highly recommend that you do write at some content, you can outsource the work to a writer. They are usually easy to find but you need to make sure they understand your topic before committing, ask them for examples of articles they have written in the past, compare how it’s written to the tone of how you want your content to be. If it matches the writing style you desire start small with the writer and gradually start to outsource more more to them.
If you need help finding a good content writer for your niche website I recommend Upwork
AI Content Writing
AI is all the rage now, if you want to help you get some ideas about how you should write your content AI writers are a good place to start. I don’t recommend you take the output verbatim as you could run a risk of having unauthentic content. I would take the output they gave you, see if ti makes sense and rewrite it in your voice.
Today Key Takeaways
How Fast Can I Make a Niche Website? This answer greatly depends on how fast you are at learning and the amount effort you are going to put into it.
You can realistically have your website set up in about a week with at least one or two articles posted.
Over time you will start to post more and do more and you will organically grow. Just remember to not get discouraged, when you are first starting out you are preaching to a ghost town but you will slowly start to see traffic trickle in if you stay consistent and evaluate your opportunities decently enough.
Thank you for reading this article, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to send me a message.
All the Best,
Niche Income Guide